[Search and Replace]

F1 - Unexact, case_sensitive forward search for selected_string
F3 - Unexact, case_unsensitive forward search for selected_string
F2 - Exact, case_sensitive forward search for selected_string
F4 - Exact, case_unsensitive forward search for selected_string

Alt+F1 - F1 and replacing with horizontal_clipboard_string
Alt+F3 - F3 and replacing with horizontal_clipboard_string
Alt+F2 - F2 and replacing with horizontal_clipboard_string
Alt+F4 - F4 and replacing with horizontal_clipboard_string

Note1: After Alt+F1 or Alt+F3 or Alt+F2 or Alt+F4 use:
R - Replace;
A - replace All;
S - Skip;
ESC - stop search and replace;
Shift - suppress Screen output.

Note2: 'horizontal_clipboard_string' is a NULL string(after 'Alt+N' or before
using ('Shift+Del' or 'Ctrl+Ins')) or string after ('Shift+Del' or 'Ctrl+Ins')
for selected_string. After 'Ctrl+Y' 'horizontal_clipboard_string' becomes a
whole line BUT it won't be used for Alt+F1, Alt+F3, Alt+F2, Alt+F4 i.e. these
combos will be ignored!


Ctrl+Y - slaY line and save it to horizontal_clipboard_string
Alt+Y - emptY line and don't save it to horizontal_clipboard_string
Alt+N - Nulls horizontal_clipboard_string i.e. it becomes ""

Alt+W - select Word under cursor
Ctrl+L - Lowercasing word under cursor
Ctrl+U - Uppercasing word under cursor

Alt+C - Cursor change(three types are available: hardware,
        software_full_shape_still, software_full_shape_blink)

Alt+V - merge file with selected filename(if no marked filename then Current
        Directory Filenames; if wildcard '*' is used then list these filenames
        only), Important: If FILENAME doesn't exist then attempt for loading
        from ..\smxrt\FILENAME.ZIP (..\smxrt\ or other path is placed in YM.SMX)
        will be

Alt+A - enter Ascii code(002 for example)
Alt+L - Lock until password is given 'ichizato'
Alt+G - Go to line(enter line number and non-digit key)

Alt+T - Transcription input(add it to YM.250 and resort YM.250 with RPSRT102)
Ctrl+W - Shows transcription rules from Webster Second College Edition

Alt+P - Print selected text(Alt+\ - print selected text with background)

Ctrl+F8 - change status line color (for 'status' regime for status line)
Ctrl+F9 - toggle current line (between black and selected alike)
Ctrl+F10 - toggle status line (between 'status' and 'transcription' regimes)

F5 - refresh(kill all empty lines after last non-empty + 'Ctrl+End')
Shift+F9 - save without all empty lines after last non-empty

ESC - Current line undo
Ins - toggle Insert/Overstrike
LShift+RShift - Combo list(partial)

Enter - make anew line under cursor
Ctrl+\ - make a new line under cursor + Home + Down

Note: IF char with code below_32 or/and above_127 exists on startup
      THEN name of opened file is highlighted ELSE name of opened file is black.


Ctrl+S(must hold) - Scan page for alien words using MASAKARI.WRD
LShift+Ctrl+S(wait for a key) - Scan page for alien words using MASAKARI.WRD
Ctrl+Q - Query YM.LEP for word_under_cursor
Ctrl+A - Add sentence to YM.LEP with word_under_cursor
Alt+O - Add marked text to YM.NP


Alt+Z - showing ._W_(word_under_cursor sense)         - forget it, abandoned!
Alt+M - showing .MIN(word_under_cursor sense)         - forget it, abandoned!
Alt+H - showing MASA_HLA.OBO(word_under_cursor sense) - forget it, abandoned!
Alt+J - showing MASA_NLA.OBO(word_under_cursor sense) - forget it, abandoned!
Alt+U - showing MASA_ALA.OBO(word_under_cursor sense) - (*), (@), (#), (!)
Alt+D - showing GRFT_ALA.OBO(word_under_cursor sense) - (**), (@), (#), (!)
Alt+K - showing MASAKARI.WRD(word_under_cursor sense) - (@)

(*) made from *.ALA(del *.ala; pkunzip ..\smxrt\* *.ala) with ALA2OBO.EXE
(**) made from *.ALA(del *.ala; pkunzip grft19 *.ala) with ALA2OBO.EXE
(#) pointed by file YM.SMX(default is ..\smxrt, if not present - current
    directory), this file points to *.ZIP corpus too.
(@) useful combo for spell advice and for MASAKARI.WRD enriching(this is easy
    but not short operation: 0]copy MASAKARI.WRD YM.NP 1]YM *.TXT 2]Use 'Alt+U'
    and 'Alt+D' over needed word and "look in a real dictionary" to decide "to
    be or not" if yes then 'Alt+W' and 'Alt+O' 3]copy YM.NP MASAKAR_.TXT
    4]JUBEI.EXE or X.EXE 5]so MASAKAR_.WRD is a new sheriff).
(!) All words that are Lighter_and_Uppercased are alien for MASAKARI.WRD, rest
    darker_and_lowercased are part of MASAKARI.WRD.


Left, Right, Up, Down - po schtat he-he
Home - Move cursor to most Left line position which is not SPACE
End - Move cursor to most Right line position + 1, if line is 960 then 960
PgUp -  Scroll screen Page Up, no scroll if new page is not 23 lines
PgDn -  Scroll screen Page Down, no scroll if new page is not 23 lines

Alt+Left - Move cursor to most Left screen position
Alt+Right - Move cursor to most Right screen position
Alt+Up - Move cursor to most Up screen position
Alt+Down - Move cursor to most Down screen position
Alt+Home - Move cursor to most Left line position i.e. 001
Alt+End - Move cursor to most Right line position i.e. 960
Alt+PgUp - Move cursor to most Up&Left screen position
Alt+PgDn - Move cursor to most Down&Left file position

Ctrl+Home - Move cursor to most Up file position i.e. 0000001
Ctrl+End - Move cursor to most Down file position i.e. last line
Ctrl+Left - Move cursor to position which is after previous SPACE
Ctrl+Right - Move cursor to position which is after next SPACE
Ctrl+PgUp - Scroll one page Left
Ctrl+PgDn - Scroll one page Right
Ctrl+Up - Scroll one line Up
Ctrl+Down - Scroll one line Down


Shift+Left, Shift+Right, Shift+Up, Shift+Down
Shift+Home, Shift+End, Shift+PgUp, Shift+PgDn
Shift+Ctrl+Home, Shift+Ctrl+End, Shift+Ctrl+Left, Shift+Ctrl+Right

Shift+Del - slaY selected and save it to horizontal_clipboard_string or
Ctrl+Ins - Copy to horizontal_clipboard_string or vertical_clipboard_string(s)
           and makes file .1L if not exist

LShift+Ins - Insert horizontal_clipboard_string
RShift+Ins - Insert vertical_clipboard_string(s)

Shift+Tab - justify current line with upper
Alt+Shift - kill all Spaces from left

Note1: When Scroll Lock ON:
PgUp - becomes Ctrl+PgUp;
PgDn - becomes Ctrl+PgDn;
Del - becomes Alt+Y.

[LBL,SEN Search]

File Exact-unsensitive-search and merge to current editing:
Alt+I - searching marked string into (.LBL) - if CL=On then jump to results
Alt+F - searching marked string into (*.LBL) - if CL=On then jump to results
Alt+B - searching marked string into (*.LBL from *.ZIP corpus i.e. where YM.SMX
        points) - (Note#) - if CL=On then jump to results
Alt+S - searching marked string into (*.SEN) - if CL=On then jump to results
Alt+E - searching marked string into (*.SEN from *.ZIP corpus i.e. where YM.SMX
        points) - (Note#) - if CL=On then jump to results

File (Un|E)xact-unsensitive-search and appending to YM.TXT:
Alt+R - searching(exactly case unsensitive) marked string into (*.LBL from
        *.ZIP corpus i.e. where YM.SMX points) - (Note#)
Ctrl+Alt+R - searching(unexactly case unsensitive) marked string into (*.LBL
             from *.ZIP corpus i.e. where YM.SMX points) - (Note#)

(Note#) Before executing(for example) 'PKUNZIP PNOCO10 *.LBL' Yoshimitsu looks
        for PNOCO10.LBL in current directory, if it is there dearchiving is not
        executed; if it is not there then dearchiving and after search deleting
        is executed.

Limitation: All combos are limited to deal with 32767 chars long lines maximum,
            to avoid this problem here are two ways:
            1) 1]pkunzip ..\smxrt\* *.lbl 2]lbl960 3]continue to use combos
            2) 1]pkunzip ..\smxrt\* *.lbl 2]kazuya

[Speak and Play] - ABANDONED(until normal synthesiser appear)!

Ctrl+T - If SL=On only Speak using TTS(only in Windows)
Ctrl+T - If CL=Off and SL=Off then play(Hold Ctrl for Cycling) and LOG
Ctrl+T - If CL=On and SL=Off then only LOG


Alt+Backspace - showing H3SRT.TOP(index for HERITAGE.TXT)(word_under_cursor)
Shift+Backspace - showing H3W80.ENT(word_under_cursor)
Note: File H3.ENT contains unwrapped entry(always last one)of HERITAGE.
Note: File HERITAGE.CLP contains wrapped entries of HERITAGE.